
【10/15 #せかい部主催】『地球儀よりも面白い!? 国際交流の冒険』 開催決定・参加者募集のお知らせ!!

#せかい部5周年イベント 「地球儀(ちきゅうぎ)よりも面白い!? 国際交流(こくさいこうりゅう)の冒険(ぼうけん)」を10月15日(日)午後1時から、対面・オンラインのハイブリッドで開催します。以下、詳細と申し込みフォームを御案内します。

(English ver. follows ! International students are welcome to this event!!)

#せかい部では5周年を記念してイベントを開催 (かいさい)します。



13:00- イベント開始 せかい部のことや、これまでの活動をご紹介!


15:30 イベント終了




■場所:文部科学省 東館講堂
 〒100-8959 東京都千代田区霞が関3丁目2−2
または、Zoom ※アカウントは申込者に後日メールします。

■対象 :「#せかい部」公式SNSアカウントをフォローしている日本の中学1年生~高校生 ※応募前に公式SNSのフォローが必須です!
■主催:文部科学省 トビタテ!留学JAPAN #せかい部
■参 加 費 :無料


■個人情報について 当フォームでお預かりした個人情報は、イベントの運営のための連絡、#せかい部に関する案内を目的にのみ使用します。プライバシーポリシーの考え方はこちらに準拠します。




+++++++++++++++++++ENGLISH Ver.++++++++++++++++++++++

#Sekaibu 5th Anniversary Event will be held on Sunday, October 15 at 1:00 p.m. in a hybrid face-to-face/online format.

#sekaibu (#せかい部) is a student group organized by high school students as a part of Tobitate! project. Tobitate! is a initiative by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to encourage more students to be interested in study-abroad. We have conducted some events and social media promotions for this purpose, and this event is a part of it!

This October marks the 5th anniversary of #Sekaibu !
To celebrate our 5th anniversary, we will be holding an event.

This event is not only for high school students living in Japan, but also for international students studying in Japan!

You can enjoy cultural exchange with local Japanese students as well as international students from various countries at the event.
Whether you want to interact with international students, make friends in Japan, or simply enjoy the event, everyone is welcome!

Even if you are thinking, "I am still studying Japanese...", don't worry!
You can communicate in both English and Japanese:)
Other participants would be eager to communicate with you. What matters here is your passion to communicate with others!

Let's have a good time together!

Programs of the day:
13:00- Opening

13:10- Culture Session

1) Wadaiko performance (Traditional Japanese drums)- Japanese culture for both students living in Japan and international students to enjoy together
Performance and performance experience (enso-taiken) by members of the Wadaiko Club of Tokyo Metropolitan Kohoku High School

2) "World=Sekai" quiz:
Quizzes on miscellaneous knowledge and culture of various countries! There might be some questions from international students.

3) Question-and-answer talk show by international students:
We will ask questions to international students about their study abroad experience!

End of the event for online participants

Around 14:30 - (Face to face venue only)

4)Exchange meeting in small groups:

You will enjoy getting to know each other as you interact in small groups. Share your cultures and experiences in Japan, make friends with your group members!

15:30 Ending

On the day of the event, there will be content to enjoy Japanese culture and learn about the countries and lives of international students.
Please look forward to the performance by the taiko drumming club of Kohoku High School.
Their performance may be your first time to see the real Japanese Drum (Wadaiko) show>

This will be a fun event where you can make friends with local Japanese students and other international students like you!

Let's explore the world through international exchange in Japan!
We are looking forward to seeing you all!

The small group interaction that will occur later in the day will be for face-to-face participants only.

*Contents are subject to change.

<Registration Guidelines>
Date: October 15, 2023 (Sun.)
13:00-15:30 (Online participants will be available from 13:00 to 14:30)

Auditorium, East Wing, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
2-2-2, Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8959, Japan
Zoom *Accounts will be emailed to applicants at a later date.

■Number of applicants:
 In-person: First 100 applicants
 Online participation: First 100 applicants

Eligibility: 1st-year junior high school students to high school students

Organized by: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Tobitate! Study Abroad in Japan #Sekaibu

Admission fee: Free
How to apply: Please fill out the application form below.

Please read the following "◆Precautions for Participating in the Event" before registering for the event.
We will contact you by registered e-mail with the details.

◆◆Please read the following "◆◆Notices for Participating in the Event◆◆◆" before you register.
Personal Information Personal information received on this form will be used only for the purpose of contacting you to manage the event and to provide you with information about the #Sekaibu . Our privacy policy is based on this policy.

Transfer of the right to others in the event is prohibited.
If you do not wish your face to be photographed or shown in public, please inform us at the reception desk, and you will wear a red-colored name tag during the event. (We will make sure that your face will not be included in the photo shoot.)
You will be responsible for your own transportation to and from the venue.
The organizer will not be responsible for any accidents or theft that occur inside or outside the venue. Please take care of your own belongings, including valuables.
Please obtain permission from your parents or guardians to participate in the event, including the above privacy policy and precautions.

○About countermeasures against infectious diseases
Please wear a mask at your own discretion.
We will not take your temperature on site, but if your temperature is 37.5℃ or higher, please refrain from coming to the venue.
Please disinfect your hands at the entrance.